
David Journeault


David Journeault

July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 12, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 3, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 24, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 27, 2021 Latest NewsOctober 6, 2021 Latest NewsOctober 20, 2021 Latest NewsNovember 17, 2021 Latest NewsJanuary 13, 2022 Latest News

We build the business proposition value with our brand.

I grew up in Quebec, the French part of Canada, and I’ve been living and working here almost all my life. I’ve been a Territory Manager for VISCOSITY for six years; during the first two years, I was the only TM for Canada, but then around 2019, I began mainly covering the eastern part, particularly Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes.

I found the company online when searching for a job position in the summer of 2016. I had previously worked in other lubricant and oil companies, so I knew the business. VISCOSITY made me an offer after a face-to-face interview at Montreal in October that year with the company’s CEO and my fellow TM Matt Pflieger—now covering Western Canada—and I gladly accepted.

At the beginning of my career here at VISCOSITY, my responsibilities were different; we provided product information and industry training to our OEM clients, building strategies to grow their business. Now my role is more direct. Besides providing our clients the same informative support and helping with their business strategy, I focus on specific accounts—whether existing or new ones I take the initiative to contact myself—, to look further into their oil requirements and provide recommendations for their particular equipment models. The bond with our partners is different, but I’ve maintained excellent relationships with dealers and still have great reception from them. They are not limited with our solutions: we can provide products that go with many different types of machinery, so that’s the kind of meeting I’m having with them now and will continue having in the future. After all, we build the business proposition value with our brand. Implementing the current structure and the new way of doing things takes time, but our value product package now covers more ground.
Traveling has been part of my life for about 21 years and has become my daily routine. I move around on my own, driving primarily in Quebec and flying to Ontario. COVID made it very challenging; every province is different, so I had to adjust and adapt my schedule depending on the particular policies. Travel restrictions had also kept me from traveling to the US for face-to-face meetings. Regardless of the situation, we have weekly meetings with the team, and I’m always able to reach out to other TMs on the phone if I need some information or discuss something with them.
I have a small family. I have a younger sister, and I’m very close with my parents, so I keep in contact with them every day. I have two sons, ages 12 and 14, who are fascinated by technology and construction. One is more into animals, though, and is looking forward to becoming a veterinarian; my second son leans more into construction.
When it comes to hobbies, I’ve done a little bit of construction; I work on some small projects every once in a while. I’m very keen on mechanics, and I worked as a diesel mechanic when I was younger. When I started at VISCOSITY, I participated in some combined clinics in Saskatchewan, Alberta, because I wanted to understand how a combine works, its performance, and its issues. I’m now focusing on electric cars and understanding more about the technology and the type of lubricants they’ll be needing to function correctly, especially around cooling devices for batteries, gear oil for the transmission, and grease for generators and bearings. I’m also passionate about motorcycles; I used to own some motocross, and I also own a Harley Davidson. I’m rebuilding old bikes from the ’70s, so I put them apart and then put them back together, repaint them, and deal with the engine and the transmission. Learning about how they work and reading up on them is very interesting to me. I always want to learn more when it comes to mechanics.

David Journeault has been part of the VISCOSITY Oil Family as a Territory Manager for Canada for six years. As a French speaker, David fulfills the role of mediator and translator when the rest of the team visits Canada. His knowledge and language skills are a tremendous help to get information to dealers that fit their language and needs, providing excellent service to all his clients.


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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Power Take-Off: Keeping Operations Moving Means Keeping Everyone Safe


Power Take-Off: Keeping Operations Moving Means Keeping Everyone Safe

July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 12, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 3, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 24, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 27, 2021 Latest NewsOctober 6, 2021 Latest NewsOctober 20, 2021 Latest NewsNovember 17, 2021 Latest News

Adding implements to agricultural machinery is an affordable way of utilizing existing assets
rather than purchasing a new one for a single purpose. Tractors are fitted with various tools, such as
loaders, blades, balers, and box rakers, among the many choices available. However, some add-ins do not
have an engine to function. So, how can they be powered?

Power take-offs, also known as PTOs, are necessary to transfer mechanical power from the engine
to the implement. PTO shafts can be directly connected to the transmission and require releasing the
tractor clutch to begin functioning. They can also work using a two stage-clutch, by pressing halfway to
disengage the transmission and fully to disengage both the transmission and the PTO, or independently
through a separate clutch. Its main components are usually an internal and external yoke, a universal
joint, a safety chain, and a safety shield. Measurements vary, so purchasing the right one for your
equipment is crucial to optimal performance and proper attachment.

Speed and dimensions are standard for PTOs based on ISO regulations. PTOs rotate per the
tractor’s engine speed, moving between 540 and 1000 rpm; some newer models move at an even higher
rate, in tune with the equipment’s horsepower. This increased rotation speed can ensure proper
functioning, but it can also become a dangerous hazard risk for the user.

The Dangers of Entanglement

PTOs are an effective tool that allows the equipment to perform multiple functions with minimal
intervention. However, they can also become a dangerous safety hazard if not handled properly, causing
severe injuries, amputations, and fatalities. Improper, ineffective, or absent shielding or protection
around the PTO significantly increases the risk of entanglement, exposing users to a piece of equipment
that can be engaged and rotating at a dangerously high speed.

Most hazard cases are attributed to hair, clothing, and limbs being caught by the spinning
mechanism. As a result, one of the main safety precautions any farmer or operator must take is to avoid
loose hair or clothing when working around equipment with a PTO attached, even when the tractor has
been turned off. The speed at which the PTO rotates leaves almost no reaction time, so making sure the
mechanism has been fully disengaged is vital to avoid accidents.

Accidents can also occur when shafts become disconnected from the tractor while the PTO is
engaged and rotating. This situation can occur when the shaft has not been securely hitched, or some
parts become uncoupled or break. The result is a piece of heavy metal being swung and breaking apart
from the connecting base, ejected at high velocity. The loose part can either impact the equipment
operator directly or anyone in the vicinity.

The importance of PTO maintenance

PTOs are often overlooked during maintenance and are usually considered after internal and
engine components. This is a grave mistake, one that, as we have noted before, can cause irreparable
damage to the equipment and to operators. Thus, following the manufacturer’s recommendations is
essential to establish a correct PTO maintenance schedule according to horsepower, usage, and model

A regular visual check can make a difference, especially when the PTO has just been fitted. The
device must be securely installed and adequately bolted, with the correct backlash between transmission
and PTO. Making sure there are no leaks or signs of wear, alongside a physical revision after certain usage
hours, can significantly impact risk prevention and performance assessment based on power

Premature bearing wear is one of the leading causes for short functionality periods for PTOs,
generally associated with improper lubrication and excessive belt tension. Therefore, operators and
workers must know and work around the most appropriate tension depending on the equipment model
and conduct regular greasing, considering its daily strain and use to adjust if necessary. Additionally, a
more thorough, long-term maintenance plan is crucial to ensure its performance and safety. Maintenance
intervals for PTOs can be determined following the respective OEM recommendations and conducted
along with regular engine and transmission schedules for a more comprehensive and complete

Aside from the proper maintenance, quality products can positively impact vehicle performance,
allowing you to work safely, with strong and reliable solutions formulated to protect your equipment. Our
Tutela® line of greases has been specially designed to withstand high temperatures and provide thermal
stability, protecting the PTOs against friction, overheating, and wear. These features will help increase
performance and, most importantly, reduce the risk of downtime and accidents due to material
exhaustion, ensuring production stream and a safe working environment for everyone involved.

You can learn more about Tutela ® Greases and our extensive line of specialized solutions by
visiting your products section, or you can ask your local dealer for our portfolio. Contact us and keep
moving forward with the expert formulations we have designed for you! Work safe and get the best
protection with VISCOSITY Oil.


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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Spindles: a cotton-picking essential


Spindles: a cotton-picking essential

July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 12, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 3, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 24, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 27, 2021 Latest NewsOctober 6, 2021 Latest NewsOctober 20, 2021 Latest News

The cotton-picking industry is one of the most important economic activities in the
US today, with the country being the third-largest exporter of cotton after India and China.
It is a tricky crop to harvest; production heavily relies on climate, water, and pest control,
with a maturity period of around 160 days on average, depending on location.

Nowadays, there are two basic options for harvesting equipment: cotton pickers
and cotton strippers. Both are designed to fulfill the same function, but the operation
method and picking results differ. Cotton strippers are primarily used in areas where
repetitive picking is nearly impossible, allowing only a single harvest, primarily due to
weather conditions. The stripper pulls the entire boll out or cuts it close to the ground,
taking the cotton, the stalk, and any debris, even if it’s still closed and not ready for
harvest. Later, a different machine will separate the cotton from the other materials.

Pickers are the most common, allowing for multiple harvests as the bolls begin to
mature. The equipment will enable farmers to harvest only the opened bolls through
moisturized prongs or barbed spindles rotating at high speed; later, the cotton is removed
by a counter-rotating doffer and then blown into a basket that collects it for baling. This
method is softer and less invasive, picking up between 95% and 98% of the total field

The Picker Spindle Road

The cotton industry had its initial expansion in early 1800, becoming the most
prominent export. This growth happened partially due to slave labor, which has
unfortunately become synonymous with the activity even to this day.

Due to the American Civil War, significant technological advances for cotton
equipment arrived late. With the help of his brother Mack, John Rust is credited with
developing the first models of a mechanized cotton picker in the early 1930s. Even though
Rust machines did fulfill their purpose, they were expensive and deficient. Adding to the
already tough market, industry developments were delayed due to World War II, which
shuffled manufacturing processes towards war efforts.

After the War ended, companies began to center their attention on the fields again,
developing better, mechanized picking systems often based on the Rust’s models.
Improvements aimed to pick the fibers better and reduce clogging, although the number
of cotton rows to pick often amounted to one at the time. As positive as this development
may sound, the mechanization of agricultural operations is often cited as one of the
causes of the Second Great Migration, which forced hundreds of workers to move to
urban areas to seek employment and better conditions.

After the 1950s and into the 1980s, the commercialization of mechanized pickers
started to gain greater traction, with models that incorporated better shapes and more
functional tools, adding steel frames and more efficient row systems. Later improvements
and better technology have turned the equipment into the practical piece of machinery
that is today

Keeping the Spindle Rolling

As the cleanest and most efficient method, picker spindles are essential pieces of
equipment that must be kept in optimal condition to perform well. They are complex and
require training and skill to be properly operated and maintained. Spindles are prone to
wear and rust, and they can lose sharpness with use, impacting other parts of the system.
They must be sharp, clean, and correctly assembled for optimal operations and to reduce
the risk of damage. It is crucial to inspect the equipment thoroughly, verifying the row unit
tilt, and adjust if necessary. Doffers and moistening systems must be adjusted and
checked for wear and debris, and plant lifters should be operating at the right level for
guidance. Follow the manufacturer’s manual and professional expert advice to perform
preventative maintenance and repairs to the equipment.

VISCOSITY Oil has been developing optimal formulations for over 125 years,
adapting to the industry as mechanical and technological advances keep changing the
agricultural industry dynamic. We have designed a specialized product to help cotton-picking operations, adding protection, and keeping parts clean for optimal performance.
TUTELA® Spindle Cleaner keeps your picker safe against wear, debris, residues, and
contaminants that may hinder its functionality, reducing wrapping, and staining. Avoid
rust, corrosion and keep your equipment clean for the best operation during the cotton
harvest season. Browse our line of products and continue working in fluid motion with
VISCOSITY Oil, formulated for ALL.


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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Hydraulics: The Science that Keeps Equipment in Motion


Hydraulics: The Science that Keeps Equipment in Motion

July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 12, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 3, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 24, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 27, 2021 Latest NewsOctober 6, 2021 Latest News

Innovation and technology are often thought of as modern ideas associated with
concepts such as robotics, genetics, and information technology, to name a few.
However, innovative ideas and advancements have been occurring since the beginning
of human civilization. We have assimilated the great inventions of old into our daily lives
and routines without even noticing, and this is also the case with hydraulics.

Derived from the Greek hydraulikos (water organ), hydraulics has played a
significant role in the technological advances that have allowed us to do more with much
less effort. Irrigation, aqueducts, and turbines were all built following the principles of fluid
mechanics. In practice, hydraulic motion aligns with Pascal’s Law, which states that when
applying pressure to an incompressible fluid within a confined space, said pressure would
distribute evenly in all directions. In mechanical equipment, this pressure can be applied
by a piston exerting compression over oil contained within a cylinder; this force will
multiply and affect a receiving object, like a secondary piston, even if it is heavier or larger
in size.

How does hydraulics work?

Equipment in the days of the Industrial Revolution was mostly powered by steam,
which had its highest peak around the construction and operation of the railroad. Hybrid
solutions began to emerge soon after, integrating cable hydraulics to steam engines to
enhance efficiency. Innovators such as William Armstrong with the hydraulic accumulator
and Harry Franklin Vickers with the first hydraulic steering system, pushed the advances
that shaped the industry, allowing operators to perform more precise and heavy
workloads with minimal effort in lesser timeframes.

The mathematical equation to explain the force resulting from a hydraulic process
follows the aforementioned Pascal’s Law, in which force equals pressure PSI (pounds
per square inch) times the area. Using this formula, advancements in electronics and
horsepower management have increased the level of precision for heavy equipment.
However, the primary operating mechanism follows a relatively standard chain of motions,
allowing the equipment to receive constant power flow and, as a result, perform the
functional end for which it was built.

The main components of any hydraulic system are the reservoir, where the fluid is
contained; pumps (piston, gear, or vane pumps), electric motor, actuators (such as
hydraulic cylinders or motors), filters, valves, and hoses. An electric motor powers a small
master pump during the process, which pushes a minimal amount of fluid within a
reservoir and compresses it. This applied pressure moves the liquid through a control
valve with sufficient speed to affect a secondary larger pump within an actuator. This
allows for a resulting amplified force capable of moving, lifting, and carrying heavier loads.

One very easy way of exemplifying how hydraulics work is to take two syringes,
one of which is filled with water, connected by the end through a small hose. When
pushing the plunger of the one containing liquid, water will flow at a high speed through
the hose into the second empty syringe, filling it with enough force to push its plunger out.
Once this second syringe has been filled with water, pushing the plunger again will
pressure water back into the first syringe with the same effect.

Why is it essential for the Construction and Agricultural Industries?

Today hydraulics continue to power heavy-duty equipment in increasingly
sophisticated ways, from a simple break mechanism to powerlifting, and play a
fundamental role in many industrial processes at varying degrees of complexity and
strength. Their impact on agriculture and construction has been significant in reducing
manual power requirements, injuries, costs, and downtime, increasing effectiveness for
better results. Hydraulic equipment is reliable and can be controlled by an operator
through a joystick for ease of use. As such, excavator, trenchers, dozers, cranes, loaders,
tractors, sprayers, irrigation systems, balers, and many others still operate under these
mechanisms, which require proper maintenance to ensure their integrity and avoid
malfunctions that could impact production and safety. We have mentioned before about
the importance of maintenance for agriculture operations, and the same applies to
construction equipment that is exposed to extreme working conditions. Hydraulic systems
must be clean, unobstructed, and properly maintained so the work requirements are

Our TUTELA® Hydraulic Fluids are some of the many solutions VISCOSITY Oil has to
offer. Tutela provides the necessary protection against temperature, varnish, wear, and
sludge, allowing the pieces of the hydraulic system to operate at optimal conditions.
The TUTELA® PREMIUM 46HVXtra Duty and the ISO 3246 & 68 formulations have been
designed to enhance durability and prevent corrosion and cavitation, with industry-level
sheer stability. Learn more about our Tutela Hydraulic Fluids and all our solutions in our
product page and continue working in fluid motion with VISCOSITY Oil, experts in heavy-duty
equipment protection for over 125 years. 


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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Family Farms: The Core of the American Economy

3.-Blog Internal

Family Farms: The Core of the American Economy

July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 12, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 3, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 24, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 27, 2021 Latest News

There are over 2 million farms in the US and about 96% of them have one key thing in common:
they are owned by families.

According to the 2017 Census on Agriculture released by the National Agricultural Statistics
Service of the US Department of Agriculture, 88% of these family farms are small, and their gross cash
farm income (GCFI) is under $350,000. Most small farms are in the South and New England states, while
mid and large-scale family farms can be found in the Midwest and the Northern Plain states. In most cases,
farming is these families’ primary occupation, meaning it is also their main source of income; however,
many require off-field salaries to sustain their business

After the Homestead Act of 1862 was signed by President Lincoln, lands were provided for new
settlers to exploit and work. Even though speculation and misuse of these lands soon became an issue,
the Act, although no longer in effect, set the basis for the rise of small family-owned farms. They
eventually grew in size and importance as agriculture became increasingly industrialized during the 20th
century. Today’s new technological advancements have altered the way family farm owners invest and
manage their lands, allowing them to optimize their processes and deliver better products to the general

Stepping up to the challenges

American farms remain at the heart of the country’s economy. They are a vital market that,
although challenged by massive competitors, remains an important cornerstone to what the nation
represents. Many values are synonyms to farm labor – hard work, patience, persistence –, but one must
never make the mistake of glamorizing the daily struggles that farm owners experience. The reality is,
family farms are constantly tested due to events at the local, national and global level. Influencing factors
range from the climate to international crises, all unintentionally cascading into an immediate or long-term
concern, creating complex situations that stall production, influence markets and highlight the
delicate state some small farms are in.

However, one thing is for certain: family farms continue fighting. They have adapted to the
challenges over the last century, which have been rapid and sudden in many cases. Things people were
accustomed to fifty years ago are quite different from today’s reality, not just regarding societal issues,
but especially around areas such as sustainability and technology. Climate change and global policies have
shifted the perspective on how we can exploit and utilize our natural resources, serving as an impetus to
develop better solutions and innovations that, although aimed to improve quality of life, can sometimes
be expensive or downright alien to many who have kept working in a more traditional form. This, however,
should not be a detriment to anyone; these new tools are there to benefit the many family businesses
that continue moving forward.

A healthier choice in every regard

Numbers can show a lot, but they cannot portray what goes on behind the scenes. At the end of
the day, statistics and data show us just a minimal part of what running a small business means, and fail
to demonstrate the nuances, struggles, and success stories that occur in the fields across the US. Family
farms are a true example of hard work and remind us of that rewarding feeling you get from a job well
done and the importance of community. They are the centerpiece of our economy; a stable agricultural
industry makes for a stable nationwide economy. However, small and mid-size family farms still require
better markets to become competitive not only at the local level but also at a regional and state levels,
depending on their production size. This growth is beneficial for all, as it pushes local exchange and
movement at a larger scale, creating revenue for the business itself and the community, while also
becoming a source of new jobs.

Increasing the quality of our food systems is also something that family farms do, an aspect that
is sometimes overlooked and directly impacts the way we purchase our produce, dairy, and meats. Large-scale
industrial production has taken over the food market, relegating family farms as a secondary source.
This issue is not only associated with the economics of supply and demand but most importantly with our
health; the chemical intervention to many products, although meant to improve their quality and
durability, still makes for a non-natural source of nutrients. Conversely, the minimal to no alterations to
food grown within a small or medium-size farm becomes a healthier choice based on organic production
and sustainable practices.

There is much to do around policies, budgeting, and resources allocation. However, the best thing
we can do as consumers to support these businesses to continue to provide the products we put on our
tables is through our own purchasing power. Choosing local produce, visiting fairs, recommending,
sharing, all create the visibility they need.

The VISCOSITY Road to the Future

Our commitment as VISCOSITY Oil will continue to be the development of better, more efficient
solutions that will impact production for the best. Our industry carries its challenges, but for over 125
years we have been able to continue working and adapting to keep providing our customers with the best
solutions for their agricultural equipment, regardless of model and external conditions. We have become
a trusted option, one that has found its niche in a field that requires a high degree of specialization,
dedication, and reliability. The partnerships we have developed through the years are just as important
as our products’ design, and this collaboration is key to achieve a deeper understanding of what our
consumers need and demand from us as we keep working in fluid motion together.

Support your local family farms and businesses and keep building the strong communities that are
the pillars of our country. Browse our products section to find the best choice for your equipment, and
remember to ask our team about our Everlub SOLUTIONS so you can continue running your operations in
fluid motion with the best quality formulations and tools. Ask your local dealer for our portfolio or contact
us directly to keep moving fast, fluid, and forward with us.


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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Know our people

July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 12, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 3, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 24, 2021 Latest News

“Understanding how other departments work has made us aware of how we impact each other”

I’ve been working at VISCOSITY since I graduated high school 31 years ago. I started in the finance
department when I was 18, so this has been my big-girl job my whole life. I was an accounting clerk for two
years and then I moved up to Accounts Payable. In 1997, I transferred to the Operations Department,
which was around the same time my daughter was born, and I’ve been there ever since. In my current role
is as Planner, Operations and Lead Auditor. It’s a long title, and it has many different responsibilities

I work with my friend Eileen, with whom I split up the responsibilities of the toll blenders. We work
closely with them to ensure we have the inventory to cover the customer’s orders, so they can be fulfilled
and shipped without delay. For the most part, I handle those in Minnesota, and she has contact with the
ones in Pennsylvania and Texas; sometimes they are intermixed together. We are very cross-functional;
we have been working at the company for many years, so we can support each other and help other
departments if they need it. As a Lead Auditor, a role I was promoted to on July 2021, I’m in charge of
physical inventory to make sure everything is in order, as we own some products at the toll blenders.

Working from home due to the pandemic has been an adjustment at a professional level since most
of my work is office-based. It’s been a bit difficult sometimes, of course; everyone is a little backed up, and
our lead times are somewhat longer. We know this is happening around the world, but it is hard when a toll
blender tells me they have a shortage of materials because that means it will impact our customers . We
have to find a way to make it work. Fortunately, we have a great relationship with our customers and toll
blenders, so we have been able to adjust and keep the orders flowing, serving our customers as best as
possible without significant bumps in the road. I go to the office twice a month to do some administrative
tasks, but all of us at VISCOSITY keep in touch regardless, not just as coworkers but as friends.

Everything I know about the job I’ve learned thanks to the great managers I’ve had through the
years, who’ve been really supportive and open, even though there were many things I was just starting to
pick up. As I left the Accounting Department under the great guidance of my manager (she still guides me
to this day!), I moved to Operations. I had a manager who was a very hands-on type of person. He wanted
us to think for ourselves, so we wouldn’t need to go to him every time we had a question or something had
to be done. He was constantly challenging us, giving us tests to see if we understood what we were doing.
At the time, we wondered why he was doing that but, looking back, we realized just how important and
helpful that guidance was. Understanding how other departments work has made us aware of how we
impact each other, especially since we are a relatively small company. My current manager keeps the
team on track. His guidance and leadership are helping the team move in the right direction.

Working at VISCOSITY has been a joy to me. The company is family-oriented; I have two kids,
Christina– who is a 24-year-old medical assistant, wife and mom of one–, and Joe— now 21 and a senior
at Illinois State University–, who literally grew up here. If they were sick or had a half-day from school, they
simply came to work with me. I see friends who don’t have that where they work, and I compare them to
my situation, where my kids were always accommodated. The company has always been very flexible with
family situations, and I’ve always been thankful for that. Many of the people I’ve worked with are still very
much like family to me and we know we have each other’s back and we can count on one another.

The mentality here is “everything within these four walls is your job”, so we help each other out, no
matter if it’s a simple question or a big task. That fosters learning, trust, and the strong relationships we
keep today. Regardless of the many changes that have occurred during these past few years, the
VISCOSITY team has always been able to pull through.

Even though her initial plan after graduation was to become a preschool teacher, Michelle decided
to give VISCOSITY a try and stayed at the company full-time. After 31 years, she is still a valuable part of
the VISCOSITY family and has developed her career through training and experience. Michelle spends
time at home with her husband and two dogs. She loves when her son is home from school and her
daughter visits, especially because she gets to see her soon-to-be two-year-old granddaughter Valentina.
Alongside her sister Kim—who is also part of the VISCOSITY Oil Family! –, she also enjoys taking care of
her senior family members — aka “the seniors” –, fostering strong, lasting bonds not only with her relatives
and friends, but with her VISCOSITY family as well.


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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Unfolding Synthetic and Conventional Lubricants

A TECHNICAL QUESTION: COMMON TRACTOR PROBLEMSUnfolding Synthetic and Conventional Lubricants
July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 12, 2021 Latest NewsSeptember 3, 2021 Latest News

Farming equipment undergoes various field conditions, from driving through dusty and rocky roads to performing in wet and extremely hot or cold temperatures. It is also frequently exposed to fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals; if the proper protection is not guaranteed, this exposure can harm the farming equipment components and eventually cause breakage. Considering the potential damage and associated costs this entails, lubrication plays a fundamental role in protecting and guarding your machinery against various failures linked to corrosion, wear, oxidation, and deposit control, among others.

Experience has taught us that there is a lot to unfold when determining the type of oil best suited for your engine. Your first intuition might have been that any oil of a certain weight would do, or perhaps you are someone who believes that price equals quality, so you play it safe and get the most expensive one on the shelf. The truth is, choosing the best oil for your engine can be tricky if you don’t have all the information. We have decided to give you a run-down on the difference between conventional and synthetic lubricants to help you avoid downtime and expensive repairs linked to lubricant misuse.

Conventional and Synthetic: what’s the difference?
Conventional Lubricants

Conventional lubricants are made with what is commonly referred to as mineral base oils, which come directly from a natural source, namely crude petroleum. Producing mineral oil is more straightforward than the process required to create synthetic, thus making the end product cheaper and more accessible than its synthetic counterparts. This process mainly consists of removing natural contaminants and impurities from the vacuum gas oil feed, which are harmful to the lubricant’s performance.

Overall, these oils perform effectively under normal conditions — those which are not too extreme in terms of temperature or field quality — and are compatible with all vehicles. For optimal performance, it is crucial to follow the manufacturers’ recommendations and make timely changes to the conventional lubricant you use on your equipment.

Synthetic Lubricants

Synthetic oils are highly refined petroleum-based lubricants that have been specially synthesized to balance their molecular composition. With a more stable chemical structure than the more diverse one found in mineral oils, these synthetic base oils provide improved performance under extremely low or high temperatures while flowing more freely than mineral oils.

Some of the benefits of using these lubricants include maximizing and improving engine efficiency — resulting in fuel savings — and extending the overall durability of the engine and providing enhanced protection against deposits. However great the benefits may be, they come with a price tag. To tackle the cost, you can choose between fully synthetic, which tends to be pricier, and semi-synthetic, which mixes mineral and synthetic oils to reduce costs while still offering some of the benefits of using fully synthetic

The VISCOSITY Oil Solution

With over 125 years of experience developing products for all manufacturer brands and exceeding industry standards, VISCOSITY Oil offers top quality engine oils to ensure your off-road farming equipment delivers the performance and production you need.

Its UNITEK line offers a series of conventional, semi-synthetic, and synthetic oils purposefully designed and rigorously tested in the field. All products are formulated with highly refined based oils and high shear stability viscosity modifiers. Here, we present three products for each need:

High-performance conventional oil formulated to provide enhanced thermal and oxidation stability, offering outstanding protection for low-emission engines. It also neutralizes corrosive acids, offers film resistance, and good dispersion of soot and deposit control.

High-performance, low-emission, semi-synthetic oil formulated to provide enhanced fuel economy with low-temperature viscosity and protection under extreme mechanical stress. This engine oil also fights against high concentration of soot build-up, providing excellent wear protection for new and older engines.

High-performance, low emissions, semi-synthetic diesel oil, designed and formulated to provide optimal soot dispersion and deposit control. It also provides outstanding thermal and oxidation stability under extreme conditions and temperatures for extended protection and durability, neutralizing corrosive acids.

High-performance, low-emission, synthetic oil formulated to offer longer oil life and durability, providing excellent wear protection under extreme conditions of cold weather, and outstanding oxidation control, dispersion of soot, and deposit control.

In the end, choosing between a conventional, semi-synthetic, or synthetic oil will depend on your budget and the field conditions in which you are operating. Before deciding on your purchase, however, you should always check and follow the recommendations of your equipment’s manufacturer to assess oil change frequency and lubricant requirements.

Browse our product section to find more details on and other premium quality solutions for your equipment! Contact us and see the many options we have so you can continue keeping work in fluid motion.


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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Building a better future

Building a better future
July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 12, 2021 Latest News

Development and innovation are concepts that we understand very well at VISCOSITY. Leading the lubricants and oil industry would not have happened without the great minds behind the ideas that have kept us moving forward, not only in our labs but in every single part of our company.

Education, training, and preparation for the challenges that arise every day allow us to increase our opportunities to succeed and improve the quality of life for our customers and communities. We mirror that spirit in everything we do, and that is also why we believe educational institutions are fundamental to bringing about these changes. Among all, the National FFA Organization is one we keep very close to our hearts.

The National FFA Organization

The National FFA Organization is a student organization for young people aiming to become part of the agricultural business and take on leadership positions in various fields. Initially founded by a group of young farmers in 1928, its primary goal is to help develop the minds and careers of future leaders and professionals who are rising to the challenges that society faces today. With chapters nationwide, they not only focus on academic achievements, but also community outreach, advocacy, and engagement. Their scholarships, grants, and various events aim to provide students with a comprehensive view of the world while developing the necessary skills to become a professional within the agricultural industry and in any career path.

The National FFA Organization works with the Agricultural Education Model around three main pillars:

  • Contextual Learning: inquiry-based education within an interactive classroom or laboratory.
  • Experiential Learning: work-based and hands-on activities outside the classroom, such as SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) programs.
  • Leadership Learning: through personal growth and engagement within organizations such as the National FFA Organization and others associated with the field.

As supporters of this academic organization, VISCOSITY aims to help develop a professional profile that includes knowledge and preparation on the importance of fluids within the agricultural and construction equipment scope. Training and learning on this aspect of the business will place the future leader in an advantageous position, where they understand the importance of every part of operations conducted in and out of the fields.

Moreover, presenting this line of development to the new generations opens an opportunity to bring in new ideas and solutions to the lubricant and oils industry, creating spaces of investigation and research powered by curiosity and creativity. On-site activities and field training will provide students with direct contact with the materials, qualifications, skills, and fundamentals to get involved in an area around agriculture.

Browse our website to view all the innovative premium products we have developed for you! For more information on the National FFA Organization, you can visit their website


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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A technical question: Common tractor problems

July 23, 2021 Latest NewsAugust 5, 2021 Latest News

Tractors have been a staple of America’s fields ever since motorized vehicles first made their
entrance into the agricultural sphere, with model variations and advances dating back from the early XIX
century. Whether you work with a vintage model or you are operating a more modern version, tractors
are and continue to be the most critical tool for any farmer. Avoiding technical malfunctions becomes
fundamental to ensure a longer useful life and more efficient daily operations.

There are three possible culprits for every breakage: the manufacturer, the user, and time. From
manufacturers, failure can occur due to faulty design, missing or damaged parts, and even from poorly
written instruction manuals. Users, on the other hand, are mostly associated with operational and care
mistakes caused by wrong maneuvers, over-exertion of the machine, and poor maintenance. Finally,
regardless of manufacturing period or technological advances, tractors suffer what most machines do:
time and use eventually affecting their functionality. Even after a long and productive period, models can
become obsolete, and parts are no longer available to replace faulty ones. Moreover, upkeep materials
have adapted to times and changed formulations, so they may no longer be compatible with your

Knowing your tractor will eventually fail is something that could discourage you, but there is a
positive and important aspect that must not be overlooked: the average useful life for a tractor can go
between 10 to 20 years if tended properly and you can always choose to sell it before and renew it with
a better, more current model.

So, what failures can you expect? Here are a few common issues your tractor can have.

Fuel and Engine

The heart of the machine, the fuel system can present issues that derive from either lack or
improper maintenance. If you notice your machine is emitting an odor, loses power, or releases smoke,
chances are there is a problem building up under the hood. Sometimes it can only take a little bit of extra
care, cleaning parts and changing the oil; other times, it requires a closer, more thorough inspection by a
professional who can identify leaks, fuel pressure problems, clogged filters and can also change and
replace parts that are beyond saving. Using the proper fuel, oils and lubricants can help you avoid many
headaches in this particular case; most fuel system-based malfunctions occur due to poor quality fluids
and/or using ones that are not appropriate for your machine. Fuel that has been mixed or diluted with
alcohol, ether, or some foreign agent can and will kill your engine; the same thing happens with fluids that
have been altered or that don’t cover the needs your vehicle has for its proper daily operation. One small
detail can result in a domino effect that will cascade and create even worse conditions.

Electrical equipment

Having trouble starting? Headlights dying? You may be having a problem with your electrical
system. Wiring is a common reason why your equipment won’t start, or your console is not lighting up as
it should; maybe some animal is chewing on your cables, or perhaps there is a problem with your
grounding wires. Battery failure, dead cells, open fuse-links, alternator, and low voltage can also impact
its overall functionality. You can try and troubleshoot by checking the wiring and battery power, but if
there is no solution in sight, even with your user manual at hand, it’s best if you have a trusted professional
eye inspecting the mechanism. Unless you know exactly the issue—and have the ability to manage it on
your own—it’s best if you take your equipment for an assessment before getting your hands dirty.


Not all problems are internal. Sometimes the vehicle itself works perfectly, but the external
components and main craft tools are the ones presenting issues. This is common especially for blades; a
dull blade will obviously not yield the same results as a sharp one and it can cause damage to the crop
and your production. Bent blades represent the same issue, even risking accumulating material and
causing clogs; having the wrong model installed will also negatively impact both your machine and your
field. Make sure that not only you are choosing the right piece of equipment according to your needs, but
also, if the piece is detachable or purchased as an extra add-in to your regular tractor, make sure to get it
properly installed and secured before start using it. Any additional tech—both hardware and software—
will also need your attention, so take note of any unusual glitches and malfunctions and report them to
your manufacturer to get assistance before you lose vital information.

No safety measure is too much. Tractors are your best tools, but they also pose risks for you as a
driver and user. Here at VISCOSITY, we got your back with what we know best, but the rest is up to you!
Find some alternatives on what we can offer in our Products section and contact us to learn more about
our solutions to keep working safely and in fluid motion.


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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Remember the 30. 60. 90 Rule Banner

30, 60, 90

horsepower demand show example for different

30-60-90: The Rules of the Field

July 23, 2021 Latest News

Different equipment requires specific and specialized formulations. The oils and lubricants you use on your everyday vehicle will not perform the same on your off-road equipment, no matter the products’ quality, the power requirements between a mini excavator, a tractor, or any machinery used in field operations are, nonetheless, vastly different from each other.

At VISCOSITY Oil, we know how critical the quality of what you put in your equipment is for you and your work. We have formulated several products to account for the various needs that your daily operations and maintenance require, so it is really a matter of finding what’s best for your equipment and following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule.

To better understand the importance of choosing the right products, there is a very interesting and useful way to illustrate it. Have you ever heard of the 30-60-90 rule?

The 30-60-90 Rule

horsepower demand usage benefits example

The best way to recognize just how different regular cars and trucks are from heavy machinery is to think about the 30-60-90 rule. This refers to the horsepower required for different vehicles to run properly on the road, and it notes that:

  • 30% of the horsepower is required by a light-duty truck to run under regular conditions.

  • 60% of the horsepower is required by a semi-truck to run on the highway while cruising, reaching its peak when going uphill.

  • 90% of the available horsepower is often used in your agricultural or construction machinery while performing in the field.

As you can imagine, the strain and pressure levels between a regular truck and off-road equipment differ considerably. And so does the maintenance that must be conducted to ensure it keeps working efficiently. One of the biggest differences that you will find is the regularity of the preventative maintenance (PMs), which are also based on different criteria; for starters, regular vehicles and trucks receive a checkup in accordance with the mileage, while agricultural and construction machinery usually measures its maintenance intervals in hours worked.

Cars usually get PM after their first 30,000 miles on the road and continue to get them after each 30,000-miles mark as a preventive measure. That maintenance schedule is also referred to as the “30-60-90 rule” (a PM after 30,000, 60,000, and 90,000 miles), but that rule doesn’t take into account the load (how hard the engine worked) placed on the engine during that period. For trucks, the recommended PMs happen after the first 10,000-15,000 miles of use, generally under regular conditions. Since reaching the mileages mark in off-road equipment is different from doing it in your city car or truck, one must take into consideration its much more severe duty cycle.

The general recommendation, regardless of the type of vehicle you have, is to conduct inspections regularly to make sure its operational. Changing oil, filters, coolants, checking the air levels on your tires. and a general visual inspection can make the difference and help you note possible issues. You can perform these revisions yourself following your manufacturer’s recommendations, or you can ask a professional; either way, these inspections by themselves are not enough and require a more thorough intervention to make sure everything, from the mirrors, to the alignment, to the internal components, is working properly.

Remember: there is heavy-duty and then there is WORK-DUTY. For a piece of equipment that uses 90% of its horsepower during the majority of its operations, counting on lubricants and oils designed to withstand such pressure and strain is key to maintain your daily production, but also to keep you safe from any unplanned equipment downtime and increase costs of ownership. Here at VISCOSITY, we’ve designed our products to endure weather, corrosion, rust, pitting, and heavy usage, among many different aspects, to ensure durability. Our comprehensive portfolio of superior products offers diesel engine oil, transmission hydraulic fluid, coolants, and everything your off-road equipment needs, so browse our website and find what fits your equipment the best!  Combined with unmatched customer service and over 125 years of lubricant leadership, VISCOSITY is the trusted solution for your off-road equipment needs for ALL MAKES and ALL CONDITIONSFORMULATED FOR ALL!


Product Datasheets: A Window to Fluid Performance For one of our expert chemists working at our lab, a datasheet may be very …

Keeping Farmers Safe: National Farm Health and Safety Week We recently shared a blog reviewing some of the risks that come with …

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