Autocompletado de lugares con marcadores por estado
Advanced Search
Write any Zip Code,
Company Name, or
you would like to search for
return mobileSearchBarContent;
function injectMobileSearchBarContent() {
// Obtener el ancho de la pantalla
const screenWidth =
window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
// Verificar si el ancho es menor a 1000px
if (screenWidth ({
Name: row.Name,
Phone: row.Phone,
City: row.City,
State: row.State,
Website: row.Website,
Address: row.Address,
createTable(filteredRows, ["Name", "Phone", "City", "State"]);
error: function (error) {
console.error("Error al parsear el archivo CSV:", error);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error al cargar el archivo CSV:", error);
// Modificar la función createTable para incluir atributos personalizados en las filas
function createTable(data, visibleColumns) {
const tableBody = document.getElementById("tableBody");
tableBody.innerHTML = ""; // Limpiar el contenido actual de la tabla antes de agregar nuevas filas
// Agregar el prefijo "+1" al número de teléfono utilizando map
const dataWithPrefix = => ({
Phone: "+1 " + row.Phone,
dataWithPrefix.forEach((row, index) => {
// Verificar si al menos un valor significativo de la fila no es vacío, null o undefined
const hasSignificantValue = Object.values(row).some(
(value) =>
value && value !== "undefined" && value !== "" && value !== null
if (hasSignificantValue) {
const newRow = document.createElement("tr");
// Agregar atributos personalizados a la fila
newRow.setAttribute("data-name", row.Name || "");
newRow.setAttribute("data-phone", row.Phone || "");
newRow.setAttribute("data-website", row.Website || "");
newRow.setAttribute("data-address", row.Address || "");
visibleColumns.forEach((column, columnIndex) => {
const cellValue = row[column] || ""; // Obtener el valor de la columna o dejarlo vacío si es nulo o indefinido
const newCell = document.createElement("td");
newCell.textContent = cellValue;
if (columnIndex === 0) {
// Agregar la clase 'sticky' solo a la primera columna
newRow.innerHTML += `
// Evento click para el botón "more info"
document.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
if ("moreInfoButton") ||"material-symbols-outlined")
) {
const row ="tr"); // Obtener la fila más cercana al botón clickeado
const name = row.getAttribute("data-name");
const address = row.getAttribute("data-address");
const phone = row.getAttribute("data-phone");
const website = row.getAttribute("data-website");
openModal(name, address, phone, website);
async function updateTableByState() {
const placeAbbreviations = {
Alabama: "AL",
Alaska: "AK",
Arizona: "AZ",
Arkansas: "AR",
California: "CA",
Colorado: "CO",
Connecticut: "CT",
Delaware: "DE",
Florida: "FL",
Georgia: "GA",
Hawaii: "HI",
Idaho: "ID",
Illinois: "IL",
Indiana: "IN",
Iowa: "IA",
Kansas: "KS",
Kentucky: "KY",
Louisiana: "LA",
Maine: "ME",
Maryland: "MD",
Massachusetts: "MA",
Michigan: "MI",
Minnesota: "MN",
Mississippi: "MS",
Missouri: "MO",
Montana: "MT",
Nebraska: "NE",
Nevada: "NV",
"New Hampshire": "NH",
"New Jersey": "NJ",
"New Mexico": "NM",
"New York": "NY",
"North Carolina": "NC",
"North Dakota": "ND",
Ohio: "OH",
Oklahoma: "OK",
Oregon: "OR",
Pennsylvania: "PA",
"Rhode Island": "RI",
"South Carolina": "SC",
"South Dakota": "SD",
Tennessee: "TN",
Texas: "TX",
Utah: "UT",
Vermont: "VT",
Virginia: "VA",
Washington: "WA",
"West Virginia": "WV",
Wisconsin: "WI",
Wyoming: "WY",
Alberta: "AB",
"British Columbia": "BC",
Manitoba: "MB",
"New Brunswick": "NB",
"Newfoundland and Labrador": "NL",
"Nova Scotia": "NS",
Ontario: "ON",
"Prince Edward Island": "PE",
Quebec: "QC",
Saskatchewan: "SK",
const tableState = placeAbbreviations[selectedState];
const selectedCity = document.getElementById("selectedCitySpan");
const selectedCountry = document.getElementById("selectedCountrySpan");
try {
const response = await fetch(
const csvData = await response.text();
// Utilizar Papa Parse para parsear el CSV correctamente
Papa.parse(csvData, {
header: true,
complete: function (results) {
const rows =;
// Filtrar las filas según el estado seleccionado
let filteredStateRows = rows.filter(
(row) => row.State === tableState
if (
selectedState === "All States" ||
selectedState === "All provinces/territories"
) {
filteredStateRows = rows.filter(
(row) => row.Country === selectedCountry.textContent
// Crear la tabla con las filas filtradas
if (selectedCity.textContent === "All cities") {
createTable(filteredStateRows, [
error: function (error) {
console.error("Error al parsear el archivo CSV:", error);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error al cargar el archivo CSV:", error);
// Ejecutar la función al cargar la página para inyectar el contenido de mobileSearchBar
window.addEventListener("load", injectMobileSearchBarContent);
let map;
let dealers = [];
const countriesDropdown = ["USA", "Canada"];
function selectCountry(country) {
// Función para cargar opciones de país
function loadCountries() {
const countryDropdown = document.getElementById("countryDropdown");
const countriesDropdown = ["USA", "Canada"];
// Iterar sobre el arreglo de países
countriesDropdown.forEach((country) => {
const option = document.createElement("a");
option.textContent = country;
option.onclick = () => selectCountryDropdown(country);
function onCountryChange(country) {
const stateSelection = document.getElementById("stateSelection");
const selectedCountryDropdown = document.getElementById(
const stateSelectionHeaderText = document.getElementById(
const stateSelectionButtons = document.getElementById(
); // Get the container for state buttons
const countrySelection = document.getElementById("countrySelection");
if (country === "USA") {
let states = [
"All States",
"New Hampshire",
"New Jersey",
"New Mexico",
"New York",
"North Carolina",
"North Dakota",
"Rhode Island",
"South Carolina",
"South Dakota",
"West Virginia",
states = states.sort(); // Order the states alphabetically
selectedCountryDropdown.textContent = "USA";
const stateButtons = states
(state) =>
stateSelectionButtons.innerHTML = stateButtons; // Inject state buttons into the container
stateSelection.className = "usa";
stateSelectionButtons.className = "usa";
stateSelectionHeaderText.innerText = "SELECT A STATE"; = "none"; = "flex"; // Ensure the state selection container is visible
} else if (country === "Canada") {
selectedCountryDropdown.textContent = "Canada";
const provinces = [
"All provinces/territories",
"British Columbia",
"New Brunswick",
"Newfoundland and Labrador",
"Nova Scotia",
"Prince Edward Island",
const provinceButtons = provinces
(province) =>
stateSelectionButtons.innerHTML = provinceButtons;
stateSelection.className = "canada";
stateSelectionButtons.className = "canada";
stateSelectionHeaderText.innerHTML = "SELECT A TERRITORY/PROVINCE"; = "none"; // Inject province buttons into the container = "flex"; // Ensure the state selection container is visible
function goBackToCountrySelection() {
const stateSelection = document.getElementById("stateSelection");
const countrySelection = document.getElementById("countrySelection");
// Hide state selection and show country selection = "none"; = "flex";
function clearCountries() {
const countryDropdown = document.getElementById("countryDropdown");
// Eliminar todos los hijos de countryDropdown
while (countryDropdown.firstChild) {
function showMap(location) {
const selectedCountrySpan = document.getElementById(
const state = selectedState;
const country = selectedCountrySpan.textContent;
document.getElementById("backgroundContainer").style.display = "none";
// Show the map container
document.getElementById("mapContainer").style.display = "flex";
// Initialize the map centered on the selected location
initMap(location, country);
// Hide the state selection container
document.getElementById("stateSelection").style.display = "none";
function initMap(location, country) {
// Create a geocoder object
const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
let zoom = 7;
if (
location === "All States" ||
location === "All provinces/territories"
) {
zoom = 4;
// Geocode the location to get its coordinates
const address = location + ", " + country; // Combinar estado y país para la búsqueda
geocoder.geocode({ address: address }, function (results, status) {
if (status === "OK") {
// Create a map centered on the geocoded location
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
center: results[0].geometry.location,
zoom: zoom,
streetViewControl: false,
// Load the dealers' data from the CSV file
// } else {
// alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);
// }
let allMarkers = [];
function loadDealersCSV(stateName) {
const placeAbbreviations = {
Alabama: "AL",
Alaska: "AK",
Arizona: "AZ",
Arkansas: "AR",
California: "CA",
Colorado: "CO",
Connecticut: "CT",
Delaware: "DE",
Florida: "FL",
Georgia: "GA",
Hawaii: "HI",
Idaho: "ID",
Illinois: "IL",
Indiana: "IN",
Iowa: "IA",
Kansas: "KS",
Kentucky: "KY",
Louisiana: "LA",
Maine: "ME",
Maryland: "MD",
Massachusetts: "MA",
Michigan: "MI",
Minnesota: "MN",
Mississippi: "MS",
Missouri: "MO",
Montana: "MT",
Nebraska: "NE",
Nevada: "NV",
"New Hampshire": "NH",
"New Jersey": "NJ",
"New Mexico": "NM",
"New York": "NY",
"North Carolina": "NC",
"North Dakota": "ND",
Ohio: "OH",
Oklahoma: "OK",
Oregon: "OR",
Pennsylvania: "PA",
"Rhode Island": "RI",
"South Carolina": "SC",
"South Dakota": "SD",
Tennessee: "TN",
Texas: "TX",
Utah: "UT",
Vermont: "VT",
Virginia: "VA",
Washington: "WA",
"West Virginia": "WV",
Wisconsin: "WI",
Wyoming: "WY",
Alberta: "AB",
"British Columbia": "BC",
Manitoba: "MB",
"New Brunswick": "NB",
"Newfoundland and Labrador": "NL",
"Nova Scotia": "NS",
Ontario: "ON",
"Prince Edward Island": "PE",
Quebec: "QC",
Saskatchewan: "SK",
// Obtener la abreviatura del estado a partir de su nombre
const stateAbbreviation = placeAbbreviations[stateName];
const selectedCountry = document.getElementById("selectedCountrySpan");
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((text) => {
// Parse the CSV data using PapaParse
let parsedData = Papa.parse(text, {
header: true,
transform: function (value, header) {
// Eliminar las comillas de los valores de State y Website
if (
header === "State" ||
header === "Website" ||
header === "Coordinates"
) {
return value.replace(/["{}]/g, "");
} else {
return value;
allMarkers = parsedData;
// Filtrar los datos del CSV por la abreviatura del estado
let filteredData = parsedData.filter((row) => {
// Obtener la abreviatura del estado en el CSV y convertirla a mayúsculas
const csvStateAbbreviation = row["State"];
// Comparar la abreviatura del estado en el CSV con la abreviatura del estado seleccionado
return csvStateAbbreviation === stateAbbreviation;
if (
stateName === "All States" ||
stateName === "All provinces/territories"
) {
filteredData = parsedData.filter((row) => {
const country = row["Country"];
return country === selectedCountry.textContent;
// Process each filtered row and create a marker for each dealer
filteredData.forEach((row) => {
let name = row["Name"];
let address = row["Address"];
let phone = row["Phone"];
let website = row["Website"];
let coordinates = row["Coordinates"];
let city = row["City"];
// Geocode the dealer's address to get its coordinates
coordinates = coordinates.replace(/\{|\}/g, "");
createMarkers(name, address, phone, website, coordinates);
.catch((error) => console.error("Error fetching CSV file:", error));
let currentMarkers = [];
function createMarkers(name, address, phone, website, coordinates, city) {
if (coordinates === undefined) {
console.error("coordinates es undefined");
return; // Salir de la función si coordinates es undefined
// Agregar el prefijo "+1" al número de teléfono
const phoneWithPrefix = "+1 " + phone;
// Dividir las coordenadas en latitud y longitud
const [lat, lng] = coordinates.split(", ");
// Crear un objeto LatLng con las coordenadas
const position = new google.maps.LatLng(
// Crear un marcador para el distribuidor
let marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: position,
title: name,
// Agregar evento click al marcador para abrir el modal
marker.addListener("click", function () {
openModal(name, address, phoneWithPrefix, website);
let userLocation;
// const Swal = require("sweetalert2");
if (navigator.geolocation) {
function (position) {
userLocation = {
lat: position.coords.latitude,
lng: position.coords.longitude,
function (error) {
var errorMessage = "Error getting location: ";
switch (error.code) {
errorMessage += "User denied the request for Geolocation.";
errorMessage += "Location information is unavailable.";
case error.TIMEOUT:
errorMessage += "The request to get user location timed out.";
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
errorMessage += "An unknown error occurred.";
// Puedes mostrar el mensaje de error en la interfaz de usuario
} else {
console.log("Error getting user location");
// Puedes mostrar un mensaje de error en la interfaz de usuario
"Error getting user location: Geolocation is not supported by this browser."
let markersArray = [];
function findNearestDealers(userLocation) {
const selectedCountrySpan = document.getElementById(
const selectedStateSpan = document.getElementById("selectedState");
const selectedCitySpan = document.getElementById("selectedCitySpan");
if (!userLocation) return;
let nearestMarker = null;
let nearestMarkerState = null;
let nearestDistance = Infinity;
const maxDistanceMiles = 50; // Máximo rango de búsqueda en millas
markersArray = [];
allMarkers.forEach((markerData) => {
if (!markerData.Coordinates) return; // Ignorar marcadores sin coordenadas
// Convertir las coordenadas de texto a objetos { lat, lng }
let [lat, lng] = markerData.Coordinates.split(", ");
if (isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lng)) return; // Ignorar coordenadas inválidas
let markerPosition = {
lat: parseFloat(lat),
lng: parseFloat(lng),
let distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(
if (distance {
if (!markerData.Coordinates) return; // Ignorar marcadores sin coordenadas
// Convertir las coordenadas de texto a objetos { lat, lng }
let [lat, lng] = markerData.Coordinates.split(", ");
if (isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lng)) return; // Ignorar coordenadas inválidas
let markerPosition = {
lat: parseFloat(lat),
lng: parseFloat(lng),
let distance =
if (distance {
if (index === buttonIndex) {
button.classList.add("active"); = "none"; = "flex";
} else {
button.classList.remove("active"); = "none"; = "flex";
function searchOptionsButton() {
const button = document.querySelector(".searchOptionsButton");
const searchOptionsOpen = document.querySelector(".searchOptionsOpen");
if (button.classList.contains("active")) {
button.classList.remove("active"); = "none";
} else {
button.classList.add("active"); = "flex";
const countries = {
USA: [
"All States",
"New Hampshire",
"New Jersey",
"New Mexico",
"New York",
"North Carolina",
"North Dakota",
"Rhode Island",
"South Carolina",
"South Dakota",
"West Virginia",
Canada: [
"All provinces/territories",
"British Columbia",
"New Brunswick",
"Newfoundland and Labrador",
"Nova Scotia",
"Prince Edward Island",
// Función para cargar opciones de estado
function loadStates(country) {
const stateDropdown = document.getElementById("stateDropdown");
stateDropdown.innerHTML = ""; // Limpiar opciones anteriores
countries[country].forEach((state) => {
const option = document.createElement("a");
option.textContent = state;
option.onclick = () => selectState(state); // Agregar evento onclick para seleccionar el estado
/// Variable global para almacenar el estado seleccionado
let selectedState = "";
let selectedCountry = "";
function selectedCountryDropdown(country) {
const selectedCountrySpan = document.getElementById("selectedCountry");
selectedStateSpan.textContent = country;
// Función para seleccionar un estado y mostrarlo en el dropdown
function selectState(state) {
selectedState = state;
const selectedStateSpan = document.getElementById("selectedState");
const selectedCitySpan = document.getElementById("selectedCitySpan");
selectedStateSpan.textContent = state;
selectedCitySpan.textContent = "All cities";
let markersArrayTable = [];
// Función para buscar la ubicación seleccionada
function searchLocation() {
const selectedCountrySpan = document.getElementById(
const state = selectedState;
const country = selectedCountrySpan.textContent;
if (
selectedCity === "All cities" &&
state !== "All States" &&
state !== "All provinces/territories"
) {
initMap(state, country);
} else {
const placeAbbreviations = {
Alabama: "AL",
Alaska: "AK",
Arizona: "AZ",
Arkansas: "AR",
California: "CA",
Colorado: "CO",
Connecticut: "CT",
Delaware: "DE",
Florida: "FL",
Georgia: "GA",
Hawaii: "HI",
Idaho: "ID",
Illinois: "IL",
Indiana: "IN",
Iowa: "IA",
Kansas: "KS",
Kentucky: "KY",
Louisiana: "LA",
Maine: "ME",
Maryland: "MD",
Massachusetts: "MA",
Michigan: "MI",
Minnesota: "MN",
Mississippi: "MS",
Missouri: "MO",
Montana: "MT",
Nebraska: "NE",
Nevada: "NV",
"New Hampshire": "NH",
"New Jersey": "NJ",
"New Mexico": "NM",
"New York": "NY",
"North Carolina": "NC",
"North Dakota": "ND",
Ohio: "OH",
Oklahoma: "OK",
Oregon: "OR",
Pennsylvania: "PA",
"Rhode Island": "RI",
"South Carolina": "SC",
"South Dakota": "SD",
Tennessee: "TN",
Texas: "TX",
Utah: "UT",
Vermont: "VT",
Virginia: "VA",
Washington: "WA",
"West Virginia": "WV",
Wisconsin: "WI",
Wyoming: "WY",
Alberta: "AB",
"British Columbia": "BC",
Manitoba: "MB",
"New Brunswick": "NB",
"Newfoundland and Labrador": "NL",
"Nova Scotia": "NS",
Ontario: "ON",
"Prince Edward Island": "PE",
Quebec: "QC",
Saskatchewan: "SK",
let stateAbbrev = placeAbbreviations[selectedState];
let cityMarkers = allMarkers.filter((markerData) => {
return (
markerData.State === stateAbbrev &&
markerData.City === selectedCity
if (state === "All States" || state === "All provinces/territories") {
cityMarkers = allMarkers.filter((markerData) => {
return markerData.Country === country;
if (
cityMarkers.length === 0 &&
state !== "All States" &&
state !== "All provinces/territories"
) {{
title: "No dealers found",
text: "No dealers found for the selected city",
icon: "info",
confirmButtonText: "Close",
animation: true,
width: "20%",
position: "center",
customClass: {
title: "swal2-title-custom",
popup: "swal2-popup-custom",
confirmButton: "swal2-confirm-button-custom",
} else {
markersArrayTable = [];
let index = 0;
let divideInto = 1;
if (cityMarkers.length > 100) {
divideInto = 6;
const chunkSize = Math.ceil(cityMarkers.length / divideInto);
function processChunk() {
const chunkEnd = Math.min(index + chunkSize, cityMarkers.length);
for (; index 40) {
if (country === "USA") {
lat: 39.770034006706446,
lng: -101.39999772388677,
setTimeout(function () {
map.setZoom(3.5); // Primero, haz zoom out
setTimeout(function () {
map.setZoom(4); // Luego, después de otro retraso, haz zoom in
}, 1000);
}, 3000);
} else if (country === "Canada") {
lat: 49.213264092705636,
lng: -96.95193426597235,
setTimeout(function () {
map.setZoom(3.5); // Primero, haz zoom out
setTimeout(function () {
map.setZoom(4); // Luego, después de otro retraso, haz zoom in
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
// Función para seleccionar un país
function selectCountryDropdown(country) {
document.getElementById("countryDropdownContainer").style.display =
const stateLabel = document.getElementById("stateLabel");
selectedCountry = country;
const selectedCountrySpan = document.getElementById(
selectedCountrySpan.textContent = country;
if (selectedCountrySpan.textContent === "USA") {
stateLabel.innerText = "* State";
if (selectedCountrySpan.textContent === "Canada") {
stateLabel.innerText = "* Province/Territory";
// Llamamos a la función para cargar los países al iniciar
function toggleDropdown(dropdownId) {
const dropdownContent = document.getElementById(dropdownId);
const selectedCountrySpan = document.getElementById(
const countryDropdown = document.querySelector(".countryDropbtn");
const stateDropdown = document.querySelector(".stateDropbtn");
if (
selectedCountrySpan !== "Select Country" ||
selectedCountrySpan == null
) {
stateDropdown.disabled = false;
if (countryDropdown.classList.contains("active")) {
} else {
function toggleDropdownState(dropdownId) {
const dropdownContent = document.getElementById(dropdownId);
const selectedCountrySpan = document.getElementById(
const selectedStateSpan = document.getElementById("selectedState");
const cityDropdown = document.querySelector(".cityDropbtn");
const stateDropdown = document.querySelector(".stateDropbtn");
if (selectedStateSpan !== "Select State" || selectedStateSpan == null) {
cityDropdown.disabled = false;
if (selectedCountrySpan.textContent === "Select Country") {
stateDropdown.disabled = true;
} else {
if (stateDropdown.classList.contains("active")) {
} else {
function toggleDropdownCity(dropdownId) {
const dropdownContent = document.getElementById(dropdownId);
const selectedStateSpan = document.getElementById("selectedState");
const cityDropdown = document.querySelector(".cityDropbtn");
if (selectedStateSpan.textContent === "Select State") {
cityDropdown.disabled = true;
} else {
if (cityDropdown.classList.contains("active")) {
} else {
function dropdownOpen(dropdownId) {
const countryDropdownButton = document.getElementById(dropdownId);
// Close the dropdown menu if the user clicks outside of it
window.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
if (!".stateDropbtn")) {
const stateDropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName(
const stateDropdownButton = document.querySelector(".stateDropbtn");
if (stateDropdownButton.classList.contains("active")) {
for (let i = 0; i ';
const sortIconDown = '';
const sortDefault = '';
let sortBy = ""; // Variable para almacenar la columna por la que se está ordenando
let sortOrder = ""; // Variable para almacenar el orden ascendente o descendente
function sortTable(columnIndex) {
const table = document.getElementById("tableBody");
const rows = Array.from(table.rows);
// Determinar la dirección de ordenamiento
if (sortBy === columnIndex) {
sortOrder = sortOrder === "asc" ? "desc" : "asc";
} else {
sortBy = columnIndex;
sortOrder = "asc";
// Ordenar las filas según la columna y dirección de ordenamiento
rows.sort((a, b) => {
const textA = a.cells[columnIndex].textContent.trim().toLowerCase();
const textB = b.cells[columnIndex].textContent.trim().toLowerCase();
if (sortOrder === "asc") {
return textA.localeCompare(textB);
} else {
return textB.localeCompare(textA);
// Actualizar la tabla con las filas ordenadas
table.innerHTML = ""; // Limpiar la tabla antes de agregar las filas ordenadas
rows.forEach((row) => table.appendChild(row));
// Actualizar el ícono de filtro en el encabezado de la columna ordenada
function updateSortIcon(columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex !== 4) {
// Verificar si no es la columna "Actions"
// Actualizar el ícono de filtro en la columna ordenada
const header = document.querySelectorAll("th")[columnIndex];
const spanElement = header.querySelector("span");
if (spanElement) {
// Limpiar cualquier icono de ordenamiento existente en el span
const existingIcon = spanElement.querySelector("i");
if (existingIcon) {
// Agregar el nuevo ícono de ordenamiento
const iconElement = document.createElement("i");
iconElement.className =
sortOrder === "asc"
? "fas fa-sort-alpha-up"
: "fas fa-sort-alpha-down";
function clearSortIcons() {
const headers = document.querySelectorAll("th");
headers.forEach((header, index) => {
if (index !== 4) {
// Excluir la columna "Actions" (suponiendo que es la quinta columna, es decir, el índice 4)
const spanElement = header.querySelector("span");
if (spanElement) {
// Limpiar cualquier icono de ordenamiento existente en el span
const existingIcon = spanElement.querySelector("i");
if (existingIcon) {
// Agregar el ícono de ordenamiento predeterminado (hacia abajo)
const iconElement = document.createElement("i");
iconElement.className = "fas fa-sort";
// Agregar la lógica de cambio de icono basado en el tamaño de la pantalla
const originalIcon = document.querySelector(".fa-sort");
const smallScreenIcon = document.querySelector(".fa-sort-small-screen");
if (originalIcon && smallScreenIcon) {
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
function changeIconBasedOnScreenSize() {
const screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
if (screenWidth {
if (screenWidth info';
} else {
button.innerHTML =
'More info';
window.addEventListener("load", updateButtonContent);
window.addEventListener("resize", updateButtonContent);
.addEventListener("click", function () {
findNearestDealers(userLocation); // Llama a la función findNearestDealers con la ubicación del usuario
// Agregar evento de escucha al formulario de búsqueda
// let matchesSearchTextMap;
// searchForm.addEventListener("submit", function (event) {
// event.preventDefault(); // Evitar que se recargue la página al enviar el formulario
// const searchInput = document.getElementById("searchInput");
// const searchText = searchInput.value.trim().toLowerCase(); // Obtener el texto de búsqueda y limpiarlo
// const searchNotFound = document.getElementById("inputLabelBelow");
// const modalSearch = document.getElementById("searchModal");
// const overlay = document.getElementById("overlay");
// const selectedCountrySpan = document.getElementById(
// "selectedCountrySpan"
// );
// const selectedStateSpan = document.getElementById("selectedState");
// if (searchText !== "") {
// // Filtrar las filas de la tabla según el texto de búsqueda en minúsculas
// const filteredRows = allRows.filter((row) => {
// const company = row.Company ? row.Company.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si company no es undefined
// const zipcode = row.Zipcode ? row.Zipcode.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si zipcode no es undefined
// const address = row.Address ? row.Address.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si address no es undefined
// const website = row.Website ? row.Website.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si website no es undefined
// const phone = row.Phone ? row.Phone.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si phone no es undefined
// // Verificar si alguna columna coincide con el texto de búsqueda en minúsculas
// const matchesSearchText =
// (company && company.includes(searchText)) ||
// (zipcode && zipcode.includes(searchText)) ||
// (address && address.includes(searchText));
// return matchesSearchText;
// });
// // Filtrar las filas de la tabla según el texto de búsqueda en minúsculas
// const filteredRowsMap = allMarkers.filter((row) => {
// const company = row.Company ? row.Company.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si company no es undefined
// const zipcode = row.Zipcode ? row.Zipcode.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si zipcode no es undefined
// const address = row.Address ? row.Address.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si address no es undefined
// const website = row.Website ? row.Website.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si website no es undefined
// const phone = row.Phone ? row.Phone.toLowerCase() : ""; // Convertir a minúsculas si phone no es undefined
// const city = row.City ? row.City.toLowerCase() : "";
// // Verificar si alguna columna coincide con el texto de búsqueda en minúsculas
// const matchesSearchTextMap =
// (company && company.includes(searchText)) ||
// (zipcode && zipcode.includes(searchText)) ||
// (city && city.includes(searchText));
// return matchesSearchTextMap;
// });
// if (filteredRows.length > 0 && filteredRowsMap.length > 0) {
// = "none";
// = "none";
// // Obtener la primera dirección que hace match
// const firstMatchAddress = filteredRows[0].Address; // Suponiendo que el address es la dirección a geocodificar
// // Iniciar el mapa centrado en la primera dirección que hace match
// clearMarkers();
// selectedCountry = "";
// selectedState = "";
// selectedStateSpan.textContent = "Select State";
// selectedCountrySpan.textContent = "Select Country";
// // Llamar a la función para geocodificar la dirección de cada distribuidor que hace match
// filteredRowsMap.forEach((row) => {
// const { Name, Address, Phone, Website, Coordinates, City } = row;
// createMarkers(Name, Address, Phone, Website, Coordinates, City);
// });
// // Crear las filas de la tabla con los resultados de la búsqueda
// tableBody = document.getElementById("tableBody");
// tableBody.innerHTML = ""; // Limpiar el contenido actual de la tabla antes de agregar nuevas filas
// createTable(filteredRows, ["Company", "Phone", "City", "State"]);
// } else {
// = "flex";
// console.log("No results");
// }
// } else {
// console.log("Search text is empty.");
// }
// });
function clearMarkers() {
for (let markerKey in currentMarkers) {
if (, markerKey)) {
const marker = currentMarkers[markerKey];
// Verificar si el marcador tiene un método setMap y llamarlo para eliminar el marcador del mapa
if (marker) {
} else {
console.log("No setmap function");
let selectedCity;
function updateCityOptions() {
const selectedState = document.getElementById("selectedState");
const state = selectedState.textContent;
selectedCity = "All cities";
const citiesByState = {
Alberta: ["Camrose", "Wetaskiwin", "Brooks", "Claresholm", "Taber"],
"British Columbia": ["Surrey", "Kamloops", "Courtenay", "Duncan"],
Manitoba: ["Winnipeg"],
"New Brunswick": [
"Dalhousie Junction",
"Sussex East",
"Grand Falls",
"Berry Mills",
Ontario: [
"Mount Forest",
"Prince Edward Island": ["Norwich", "York"],
Quebec: [
Saskatchewan: [
"Moose Jaw",
"Switft Current",
"Moose Jaw",
Indiana: ["Huntingburg"],
Maryland: ["Warwick"],
Pennsylvania: ["Lititz"],
Arkansas: [
Arizona: ["Thatcher", "Maricopa", "Buckeye", "Coolidge"],
Colorado: [
"Fort Morgan",
"Fort Collins",
Delaware: ["Seaford"],
Georgia: ["Blackshear", "Thomas", "Waynesboro", "Hattiesburg"],
Iowa: [
"St. Olaf",
"Clear Lake",
"Council Bluffs",
"Grand Junction",
"Sioux City",
"Orange City",
"Rock Valley",
Idaho: [
"Twin Falls",
"Twin Falls",
Illinois: [
"Farmer City",
"Mason City",
Indiana: [
"West College Corner",
"Gas City",
Kansas: [
"South Hutchinson",
"Dodge City",
"Great Bend",
"Garden City",
Kentucky: [
"Bowling Green",
Louisiana: [
"Lake Charles",
"Baton Rouge",
"St. Rose",
Massachusetts: ["South Dennis"],
Maryland: ["Churchville"],
Maine: ["Sabattus"],
Michigan: [
"North Branch",
"Mc Bain",
"Benton Harbor",
"Bad Axe",
"West Branch",
Minnesota: [
"St. Cloud",
"St. Martin",
"Pine Island",
"Sleepy Eye",
"Bingham Lake",
"Granite Falls",
Missouri: [
"Appleton City",
"Ste Genevieve",
"Mountain Grove",
"Kansas City",
"Wright City",
Mississippi: [
"Yazoo City",
Montana: [
"Great Falls",
"St Ignatius",
"Great Falls",
"North Carolina": [
"Siller City",
"Union Grove",
"North Dakota": [
"Watford City",
"Devils Lake",
Nebraska: [
"David City",
"West Point",
"New Jersey": ["Bridgeton"],
Nevada: ["Sparks"],
"New York": [
Ohio: [
"Washington Court House",
"Fort Recovery",
"Ridgeville Corners",
"North Star",
Oklahoma: ["Clinton", "Oklahoma City"],
Oregon: ["The Dalles", "La Grande", "Hermiston"],
Pennsylvania: [
"Cogan Station",
"New Ringgold",
"New Bethlehem",
"Grove City",
"Mount Joy",
"South Dakota": ["Yankton", "Winner"],
Tennessee: [
Texas: ["Shiner", "Plainview", "Odessa", "Rosenberg"],
Utah: ["Brigham City", "North Logan", "Tremonton"],
Virginia: ["Rockingham", "Dayton", "Orange"],
Vermont: ["Derby", "Berlin", "Middlebury", "St. Albans"],
Washington: [
"Moses Lake",
Wisconsin: [
"Cross Plains",
"Spring Valley",
"Fond Du Lac",
"New Franken",
"Stevens Point",
Wyoming: ["Riverton", "Gillette", "Powell", "Worland", "Gillette"],
const cityDropdown = document.getElementById("cityDropdown");
const selectedCitySpan = document.getElementById("selectedCitySpan");
cityDropdown.innerHTML = ""; // Limpiar opciones anteriores
const cities = citiesByState[state];
if (cities !== undefined) {
const sortedCities = cities.slice().sort(); // Copia y ordena alfabéticamente
const allCitiesOption = document.createElement("a");
allCitiesOption.textContent = "All cities";
allCitiesOption.onclick = () => handleCitySelection("All cities");
sortedCities.forEach((city) => {
if (city) {
const cityOption = document.createElement("a");
cityOption.textContent = city;
cityOption.onclick = () => handleCitySelection(city);
} else if (
cities === undefined &&
state !== "All States" &&
state !== "All provinces/territories"
) {
const defaultOption = document.createElement("a");
defaultOption.textContent = "No cities available"; = "none";
title: "No dealers found",
text: "No dealers found for the selected state",
icon: "info",
confirmButtonText: "Close",
animation: true,
width: "20%",
position: "center",
customClass: {
title: "swal2-title-custom",
popup: "swal2-popup-custom",
confirmButton: "swal2-confirm-button-custom",
function handleCitySelection(city) {
const selectedCitySpan = document.getElementById("selectedCitySpan");
selectedCity = city;
selectedCitySpan.textContent = city;
tippy("#findNearestButton", {
"Discover dealers closest to you within a 50-mile radius based on your current location",
theme: "light-border",
animation: "shift-away-subtle",
popperOptions: {
modifiers: [
name: "applyStyles",
options: {
styles: {
fontFamily: "Montserrat",
fontSize: "14px",
color: "rgba(84, 85, 87, 1)",
.addEventListener("touchstart", function () {
function updateButton() {
const button = document.getElementById("allStatesButton");
const selectedCountry = document.getElementById(
console.log("pais seleccionado", selectedCountry);
if (selectedCountry === "USA") {
button.textContent = "All States";
button.className = "allStatesButton";
button.onclick = function () {
} else if (selectedCountry === "Canada") {
button.textContent = "All Provinces/Territories";
button.className = "allProvincesTerritoriesButton";
button.onclick = function () {
function usaStates() {
showMap("All States");
selectState("All States");
function canadaProvincesAndTerritories() {
showMap("All provinces/territories");
selectState("All provinces/territories");